Thursday, February 16, 2017

What Motivates You?

     Class on Wednesday revolved around the topic of motivation. In preparation for the class I thought about what motivates me and what distracts me. For motivations I came up with success, other people's success stories, satisfaction, and incentives. For distractions I came up with social media, friends, Netflix, and juggling too many tasks at once. In class we compared our motivations and distractions. We found that while there were many overlaps, there was also quite a variation. To me, this showed that people are motivated and distracted in different ways. Targeting what motivates and what distracts you is critical in being successful on an individual level. However, on an interpersonal level, and as a manager, it is also important to recognize what motivates and distracts others. Having this knowledge will allow you to better manage and encourage your subordinates to be successful. Understanding the people that you manage is so important in being a good manager, and if you take the time to know everyone personally, you will be more successful.

1 comment:

  1. I concur with your analysis - you have to understand both what motivates you and what motivates your subordinates. Something I failed to do as a young leader sometimes was understanding what motivated my subordinates - particularly when I was put in charge of civilians who had a completely different personnel system and different incentives than the military did.
